DATE: October 24, 2003
TO: ANBHF Board Member
FROM: Paul C. Thistlethwaite
Professor of
Marketing RE: Ethics Survey
Last spring
at the ANBHF Board meeting, we discussed doing a follow-up survey of business
executives, faculty and students. The
original studies were conducted in 1983, 1988, 1989 and 1995. Two research assistants (Ellen Sutor and
Kathleen Casey) and I examined the 4 previous studies and discovered slight
differences in the wording of questions that were on all surveys. These are the first 29 questions on the
survey. We let Dick Hattwick
decide on the best wording for those questions. The next 9 questions were on the 1983 business
study and the 1988 faculty study. The
next 9 questions were on the 1983 study and the 1995 study of students. Thus the majority of
the questions were on all 3 surveys.
We are
sending out the survey to 1500 businesses and 634 accredited colleges of
business. The deans at the colleges of
business were asked to complete the survey and have 3 of their faculty complete
the survey.
We now ask
for your assistance as a member of the Board. In order to have as large of a student pool of
information as possible, we would like for you to copy the survey and
distribute it to as many of your principles of marketing OR your principles of
management classes as possible. After
collecting the questionnaires, mail them back to me as soon as possible.
My email is Please
email me to let us know if you will be able to participate in this very
meaningful update of the ANBHF ethics studies. I will be happy to reimburse you or your
department for the copying and mailing costs associated with the study.
Thanks so much for your support of the ANBHF. The results will be reported at the spring ANBHF meeting in Chicago. Anyone would who like access to the data may certainly have it by contacting Dick.
October 2003