The ANBHF conducted research for each candidate in the process of developing the nomination packages. The results of that research became part of the candidate's permanent file in the hall of fame archives. The file would contain any or all of the following — records of interviews, company documents, personal documents and books

Some of the induction ceremonies were recorded on tape or film. Those tapes or films were placed in the ANBHF archives. Some can be accessed at the ANBHF corner of YouTube.

Once a candidate had been voted into the ANBHF individual profiles were prepared for distribution to students and other interested parties. Most of those profiles are currently available to the public and can be obtained by contacting the ANBHF administrative office.   Contact us

In some cases follow-up interviews were conducted after a leader had been elected to the ANBHF. Written reports, documents and audio tapes from those interviews are available in the archives. A few of the audio tapes are posted at the ANBHF corner of YouTube.

For a short time the ANBHF also published a 4-page quarterly newspaper featuring the stories of various ANBHF members and business principles related to the hall's purpose. That publication was named The American Business Leader. Copies are still available in the archives at Western Illinois University.


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